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Experimental Investigation

I worked with a team of three on a research project aimed at quantifying the emission characteristics, combustion performance, and finding the optimal blend of  "Chlorella Vulgaris" algae biofuel. 

The physical properties of the fuel were determined by performing 9 experiments inside the inhouse VIT fluid mechanics lab, heat transfer lab, and thermodynamics lab. 

FTIR analysis was performed for accurately determining the chemical composition of the fuel to verified the algae biodiesel.

The fuel was used on a verticle inline diesel engine for 16 combustion cycles to collect data on the emission of NOx, hydrocarbons, carbon mono-oxide, and smoke density. Data on brake-power, specific fuel combustion, cylinder pressure, crank angle, and heat release rate were collected. Each data point was noted for Engine Gas Recirculation(EGR) in 2 states; Turned on and off. All the data points were separately measured for each blend of the biofuel with diesel. For this research project,  B20, B40, B60, and pure diesel were investigated.


FTIR spectrum for the biodiesel

Emission and Combustion Characteristics

Graphs were plotted for emissions and combustion performance from the massive amount of data collected. Graphs for NOx, HC, CO, smoke density, specific fuel combustion, cylinder pressure, crank angle, and heat release rate were used to draw conclusions after consultation with experts from the industry.



  • In this study, the Chlorella Vulgaris algae-biodiesel shows a considerable reduction in the emission parameters.

  • Out of all the blends, b60 performs exceptionally, low as compared to the diesel fuel with the parameters like NOx, CO2, HC, and smoke density emissions. For the combustion performance, with the engine gas recirculation, the brake thermal efficiency of B60 performs as good as the diesel fuel when plotted against brake power.

  • The specific fuel consumption is more than the diesel fuel in both conditions of with and without EGR, although the value lies in the tolerable ranges. The pressure vs crank angle shows a promising result for the B60 blend as it is creating the same amount of cylinder pressure and with some fine-tuning of the engine, the phenomenon on knocking /detonation can be drastically reduced leading to reach the same amount of efficiency as the diesel fuel.

  • Considering the result and in a holistic sense, the b60 can perform as a suitable replacement for the diesel fuel.

Supervisor: Dr. Prakash R (Department of Thermal and Energy Engineering, Vellore Institute OfTechnology )



NYU Tandon School of Engineering

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