Phone: +1-(929)-363-6451
Email: abhinavkumarak56@gmail.com
Mechanical and Robotics Engineer
Work Experience
Mechanical Design Engineer
Feb - June 2022
Delhi, India
Mechanical Design Engineer
Jan 2021 - Feb 2022
Hyderabad, India

Refined design on a ship crawling robot and a drone for ultrasonic thickness gauging inspection, NDT inspection and pre-docking services
Engineered auto-tensioning device, watertight seals for the crawler robot manipulators, and designed structural members for the drone
Allocated and optimized resources to consolidate workflows of the company, attaining shipping Class certification for operations
Undertook an automated cooking robot from prototyping to production phase that aims at cutting down weekly cooking hours by 66.6%
Devised a unique Non-Return Value bottle for oil and water storage that could be manufactured using 3d printing, redesigned it for pressure resin casting setup and later optimized it for injection moulding
Developed the control pipeline for steaming of food ingredients on the machine and perfected cooking degree with hundreds of experiments
Solved the problem of food blockage in the dispensing mechanism by adding a novel surface feature and fabricating a dispensing mechanism
Initialized a small pressure resin casting facility required for rapidly prototyping parts for Riku and developed Operational Procedures for it
Wrote crucial decision-making documents like PRD, FMEA, HOQ, and developed processes to increase efficiency at a company level
Renewable Energy and Thermodynamics
Nov 2019 - Jun 2020
Tamil Nadu, India
Paper published to the International Journal of Ambient Energy on biofuel aimed at finding the composition and combustion characteristics
Performed 9 chemical experiments including FTIR analysis, experiments for physical properties, and 16 controlled diesel engine combustions
Concluded that B60 works from the massive data collected on emission, performance, combustion, SFC, BTE, crank angle, and cylinder pressure
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Unmanned Radio-Controlled Aerial Vehicle Enthusiast
Mar 2016 - May 2018
Technical Member
Lakeland, Florida
Designed and fabricated a modular wing and tail assembly that can be detached from its mount and placed inside a small constraint box
Constructed a functional and cost-effective test rig to quantify the thrust generated by aircraft developed by the team
Spearheaded the team’s project management efforts and the timely completion of five design iterations before the engineering prototype
Assisted in fabricating multiple subassemblies for the final RC plane that entered into the competition
Presented the team’s work at the final event in Florida, USA securing 6th position for the presentation and 10th overall out of 70 participants
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KUKA UR5 robot control firmware
Sept 2022 - Dec 2022
New York, USA
Implemented Forward kinematics on the robot using matrix product of exponentials for a KUKA UR5 5 degree of freedom robot
Coded Inverse Kinematics on the robot using Newton-Raphson algorithm for root finding and visualized frames using CoppeliaSim simulator
Trajectory was generated using Quintic Time scaling and odometry was applied as a transformation matrix
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Integrated Automotive Component Manufacturer
May 2018 - June 2018
Production Design Engineer
New Delhi, India
Developed a low-cost ring gear counting system leading to the reduction of counting time by 85% per stack of blanks
Wrote algorithms and worked with ultrasonic sensors developing circuits on the Arduino platform
Gained practical understanding in production management through working with ring gear manufacturing plant
Fractography and Failure Mechanics
July 2018 - Nov 2018
Tamil Nadu, India
Executed a detailed study on the failure modes of a capacitor involving acceleration of failure through various mechanisms
Evaluated different instruments and techniques for failure analysis and performed fractography with a high-resolution optical microscope
Identified the failure root cause as a combination of excessive thermal stress and high-pressure gases for the capacitor experimented upon
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Innovated and constructed 5 bipedal robot prototypes including designs with 2 DOFs, 4 DOFs, and 6 DOFs. Currently advancing expertise by leading the development of an 8 DOF design with climbing and jumping capabilities
Created power circuits for 12V and 48V, controls for balancing, kinematics/dynamics modeling and hybrid walking model
Wrote URDF of 3 designs, imported into Gazebo simulation software for accurate prediction of physics of the robot
Built and led a team of 7+ engineers and raised $2,500+ from NYU with a crowdfunding campaign scheduled around 25th Feb, 2024
Sep 2022 - Expected May 2024
Masters of Technology in Mechatronics and Robotics
New York University, Tandon School of Engineering
New York, USA
Aug 2016 - July 2020
Bachelor of Technology in Production & Industrial Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology - Vellore
Tamil Nadu, India

Work Experience

Mechanical Design Engineer
Feb - June 2022
Delhi, India
Refined design on a ship crawling robot and a drone for ultrasonic thickness gauging inspection, NDT inspection and pre-docking services
Engineered auto-tensioning device, watertight seals for the crawler robot manipulators, and designed structural members for the drone
Allocated and optimized resources to consolidate workflows of the company, attaining shipping Class certification for operations
Mechanical Design Engineer
Jan 2021 - Feb 2022
Hyderabad, India
Undertook an automated cooking robot from prototyping to production phase that aims at cutting down weekly cooking hours by 66.6%
Devised a unique Non-Return Value bottle for oil and water storage that could be manufactured using 3d printing, redesigned it for pressure resin casting setup and later optimized it for injection moulding
Developed the control pipeline for steaming of food ingredients on the machine and perfected cooking degree with hundreds of experiments
Solved the problem of food blockage in the dispensing mechanism by adding a novel surface feature and fabricating a dispensing mechanism
Initialized a small pressure resin casting facility required for rapidly prototyping parts for Riku and developed Operational Procedures for it
Wrote crucial decision-making documents like PRD, FMEA, HOQ, and developed processes to increase efficiency at a company level
Renewable Energy and Thermodynamics
Nov 2019 - Jun 2020
Tamil Nadu, India
Paper published to the International Journal of Ambient Energy on biofuel aimed at finding the composition and combustion characteristics
Performed 9 chemical experiments including FTIR analysis, experiments for physical properties, and 16 controlled diesel engine combustions
Concluded that B60 works from the massive data collected on emission, performance, combustion, SFC, BTE, crank angle, and cylinder pressure
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Unmanned Radio-Controlled Aerial Vehicle Enthusiast
Mar 2016 - May 2018
Technical Member
Lakeland, Florida
Designed and fabricated a modular wing and tail assembly that can be detached from its mount and placed inside a small constraint box
Constructed a functional and cost-effective test rig to quantify the thrust generated by aircraft developed by the team
Spearheaded the team’s project management efforts and the timely completion of five design iterations before the engineering prototype
Assisted in fabricating multiple subassemblies for the final RC plane that entered into the competition
Presented the team’s work at the final event in Florida, USA securing 6th position for the presentation and 10th overall out of 70 participants
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KUKA UR5 robot control firmware
Sept 2022 - Dec 2022
New York, USA
Implemented Forward kinematics on the robot using matrix product of exponentials for a KUKA UR5 5 degree of freedom robot
Coded Inverse Kinematics on the robot using Newton-Raphson algorithm for root finding and visualized frames using CoppeliaSim simulator
Trajectory was generated using Quintic Time scaling and odometry was applied as a transformation matrix
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Integrated Automotive Component Manufacturer
May 2018 - June 2018
Production Design Engineer
New Delhi, India
Developed a low-cost ring gear counting system leading to the reduction of counting time by 85% per stack of blanks
Wrote algorithms and worked with ultrasonic sensors developing circuits on the Arduino platform
Gained practical understanding in production management through working with ring gear manufacturing plant
Fractography and Failure Mechanics
July 2018 - Nov 2018
Tamil Nadu, India
Executed a detailed study on the failure modes of a capacitor involving acceleration of failure through various mechanisms
Evaluated different instruments and techniques for failure analysis and performed fractography with a high-resolution optical microscope
Identified the failure root cause as a combination of excessive thermal stress and high-pressure gases for the capacitor experimented upon
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Sep 2022 - Expected May 2024

New York University, Tandon School of Engineering
New York, USA
Masters of Technology in Mechatronics and Robotics
Aug 2016 - July 2020
Vellore Institute of Technology - Vellore
Tamil Nadu, India
Bachelor of Technology in Production & Industrial Engineering